New Puppy

My family and I just got a new puppy. What are some things you recommend to start her out right? 

Congratulations on your addition to the family! Like yourself, most new dog owner’s are realizing that nutrition is just as important as potty and behavioral training. Feeding your puppy a proper diet with a high-quality digestible animal protein is the first step. If you are not comfortable or happy with the food your puppy came home with, do not hesitate to switch. Transitioning your pup to a new food especially a high-quality one should only take a couple of days.

A few supplements I recommend in addition to a high-quality diet are Probiotics, Colostrum and Omega 3 Fatty Acids. The intestines are responsible for the growth, well-being, and repair of all cells in the body. Colostrum is nature’s perfect food that supplies the body with a complete combination of vitamins and minerals.

It can help to ensure the development and health of your pup’s immune system. In many studies on Colostrum, scientists have proven it’s effective contribution to the building of lean muscle mass.

Probiotics help the body maintain a balance of good and bad bacteria, enhance digestion and help prevent the occasional diarrhea we see in puppies as they explore their world and eat a number of items that may not agree with their system. The support that probiotics give to the intestinal lining may also help decrease the chances of your pup developing allergies. It’s important to pick a probiotic supplement with a high count of live viable cells. A dollop of yogurt is not going to give your pup the same benefit as a high count supplement. So use yogurt in addition to, but not instead of, the supplement.

Essential fatty acids found in the body oil of fish such as Herring, Salmon, Anchovy, and Sardine are effective in reducing shedding, promoting healthy brain function and supporting the heart and kidneys. I suggest adding a small amount to the pup’s diet daily and slowly increase the amount according to their size as they grow. Omega 3’s are an important supplement that is not found in large levels in pet food as they oxidize quickly when exposed to high heat and oxygen. Fish based foods do supply more Omega 3’s

Omega 3’s are an important supplement that is not found in large levels in pet food as they oxidize quickly when exposed to high heat and oxygen. Fish based foods do supply more Omega 3’s than a non-fish food, however, the oil’s bioavailability may have been greatly reduced during the kibble or canning process. Nutrition is important in all phases of life but even more so during growth and development. Choosing to be proactive in the approach to your pup’s health is not difficult. A few extra steps taken now can help

Nutrition is important in all phases of life but even more so during growth and development. Choosing to be proactive in the approach to your pup’s health is not difficult. A few extra steps taken now can help ensure your puppy grows up strong and healthy.